Had it with these elves

Go here. Ponder the words! You will see the truth before too long.

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Fallout 3 and its GECK

So today Bethesda announced that Fallout 3 will indeed be getting both DLC and a mod making kit, along the lines of the TES Construction Sets which have given so much life to Morrowind and Oblivion. Actually which just made Oblivion good.

I'm quite surprised. The reason I am quite surprised is due to a controversy which occurred when Oblivion had its heyday. Specifically, the business surrounding the game's re-rating, primarily due to a mod which made women topless in the game. Much as with the Hot Coffee business back with GTA: San Andreas, the developer and publisher got into trouble because of something a user did. Now it's true that R* could have handled the Hot Coffee business better than they did, but that's beside the point. One of the fundamental advantages of PC gaming, one of the things which most involves players in games over the long term, and indeed one of the few ways into the industry for someone with no real qualifications, is modding.

So, they've learned their lesson and not included topless skins at all, we can presume. Why would the modding tools be in doubt, especially given that we're talking about a company renowned for treating its modding community very well, by industry standards? Well, because Fallout 3 contains children. Fallout 1 and 2 originally allowed the killing of children, and this could be modded back in very easily. And given that it's often asked about on the forums - it's only a matter of time before someone mods child killing into the game. I'd give it about two hours after the necessary tools become available (it might actually already exist, I've not checked).

This was contentious enough with games that looked like this. Now we're talking about a game that looks like this. Headshots and gore like that. With kids. Yeah I don't see this ending well!

In other news I finally got Wrath of the Lich King, and I've been playing it loads. It's pretty awesome; Borean Tundra is good, but Howling Fjord is truly epic. And now that I'm getting the hang of my DK she's becoming pretty neat as well. That whole zone was just awesomely done though, absolutely great.

Altoholism, and the FFVII thing

First, I finally got to 70 in WoW (Wrath is due sometime this week). Huzzah! Only a year late. The thing is that I am a chronic altoholic; if a game offers multiple ways of making characters, I am all over every possible permutation forever, always thinking of something new to try. Morrowind, Oblivion, all three Fallouts, and World of Warcraft. Only in WoW there's not so much variability, so I'm not sure what's up with that. Maybe I just love those little flashes of yellow light too much?

At any rate, I then went and bought myself a flying mount, which is nice. Now I can fly about the place freely, if somewhat slowly! Hooray! So that's a little update on the WoW front.

And now to something I've been thinking about for awhile: Final Fantasy VII. Now I know some consider the game overrated, but for me it's tremendous and I absolutely love it. I've probably played more FFVII than anything else barring X-Com, Civs II and III, and maybe WoW. So I'm all about that, even if none of the spinoffs and whatever have appealed to me.

What does interest me is the possibility of a remake. I know that's been bandied around for years now - somewhat senselessly before the 8th gen arrived, in my opinion - but I've a particular theory on it. See, Yoichi Wada claims the franchise could last up to twenty years. Now we've had a few other things set in the FFVIIverse so far, and I'd expect the enduring popularity could mean more to come. But I think the last game, the one which closes the circle on FFVII, could be the much-desired remake. It makes a lot of sense to me.

You'd have the 'complete' universe of FFVII to work with at that point; all movies, games, books, etc. would be done and known, and the framework would exist to set FFVIIr in it. They'd obviously cherry-pick and retcon, but that would merely mean FFVIIr could be claimed as the final, definitive production in the series and the ultimate canon.

By that point - 2017 - we're likely to be two gens ahead of where we are now, or four gens ahead of the PS1. That'd be enough time for a remake to really be worth it. It offers the potential for real changes and improvements, more than just better graphics and voice acting (If one considers voice acting an improvement, that is!)

And of course, it would be the best ending possible. How better to end the compilation than with a remake, and bring the thing to a close. If they release FFVIIr in four years, and a couple before and after, maybe another movie, that wouldn't settle things. We'd probably just hear talk of another remake, endless speculation about it, and so forth. By finishing with the remake they could say "Right, that's it, you're done!" and that's all. Probably a little message at the ending screen like "Thank you for being with the FFVII Compilation for twenty years! We hope you have enjoyed it yadda yadda." Some way to put a full stop on the end. Because if they end with anything else they're never going to hear the end of it - like right now, when the slightest hint of a rumor sets the fanbase and blogs ablaze.

Of course, the trick would be to balance what's best about FFVII with what can be improved. Like with everyone else, there's only one person who should be in charge, and it's me. But what I would actually do is a post for another day~

Stupid bank!

Due to I don't know why, my bank is currently being very silly. This annoys me because it makes it quite difficult to get Mirror's Edge and Wrath of the Lich King. =[ So no new games for Mister Adequate this weekend!

However, I did go through Hellfire Ramparts with a couple of guildies and a couple of Death Knights. They were pretty cool, they have a nifty pull that is literally a PULL - they heave the mob forty feet to being right next to them! And when our lowbie tree died one of the DKs rezzed her as a zombie. Much laughter was laughed! It does sound, from what they were saying, that it's hugely fun. I wish Blizz had DD for Wrath up, that way I could get it as soon as the bank gets itself together, rather than having to wait for shipping once it does.

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WoW, Cont.

Well, Blizzard broke their money printer! But only temporarily, I'm sure. More interestingly I'm just here to gloat that I wasted my money on a copy of the WotLK Collector's Edition. Ho ho, I've been successfully advertised to and they have established long-term brand loyalty.

I'm eagerly anticipiting Mirror's Edge until Wrath gets here. I've got to import Wrath from the colonies so it takes a few days. That's a shame, because I'm done with my university classes tomorrow, this week only~! I hope I can get my comrade-in-arms over to enjoy some Gears 2, maybe finish up the campaign or something. Can't play the game without him really, I can just mess around in Horde mode, attempting to solo it.

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WoW 3.0

So I finally caved and resubbed. After some hours tinkering with the mods (How can a default UI be so dire but so easily made glorious by modders?) I got down to playing.

Hunters are easymode. I don't know about anyone else, but Hunters are officially easy to play as. I was playing for an hour and a half, and I didn't have to stop to rest once. My pet was so tough that he could stand up to anything. Mend Pet saved him from the occasional trouble he did meet. I pumped out Steady Shots pretty much constantly. My health was rarely touched; my mana steadily decreased but when it hit bottom it was restored within a single fight thanks to Aspect of the Viper.

It's nice not having to have downtime. On the other hand there's no challenge unless I completely screw up everything in every way and can't find my Feign Death button. I feel like I'm as tough as a Warrior, with the healing of a Priest (Gift of the Naaru and Bandages for me, Mend Pet for the kitty.), the range of a Hunter, the DPS of a mage, and the running away when things go wrong of a Rogue. I love being a Hunter, but it's really a bit silly. I'll have to see if other classes have changed too, especially Warriors, who are my absolute fave.

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Curse you Blizzard!

They say alcoholics never truly recover. That they have to remain ever vigilant against the allure. I'm like that, only with Blizzard games. No matter what, no matter how long it has been, you can guarantee that I will feel a random need to play Diablo II, Warcraft II/III, StarCraft, or - and this is the worst of them all - World of Warcraft.

And yes, despite all those other wonderful games floating around right now, I feel the need to WoW. I've been checking stuff out about 3.0 and WotLK for the last few days, and I read El Blogo Pike to keep up with why Hunters are awesome (We are), which doesn't help, because her enthusiasm for all things WoW really is contagious. At any rate I discovered this whole business about Glyphs and Inscription, and it sounded like a very cool idea, a neat way of more customization for your character.

Until I found this magnificent little number. What. I mean no, seriously, what? What the heck? Okay let's say that using Eyes of the Beast wasn't suicidal because you leave yourself undefended. How is it a good thing? Even with +50% Strength you're going to be doing far less damage than if you and your pet worked together on the offense. Doubly so because you're not going to get any feedback that helps both of you prosper, for instance the bonus to one of you when the other gets a crit sort of thing.

I'm quite stunned by this glyph business now!

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Fallout 3

I've been playing quite a bit of Fallout 3 since it came out. And overall, I'm very taken with it. It's compelling, engaging, and highly enjoyable. However, when it comes to the plot there are some major problems. This isn't exactly a problem in a game like Tekken, but given the pedigree of Fallout, it's a big issue.

The first of these problems is in timescale. The game is set two hundred years after the bombs fell. It feels much more like it's 20 years later; even if this was set parallel to Fallout 1 it would be a stretch. As it stands it's a massive problem to suspend one's disbelief; this is doubly true considering the situation during Fallout 2, where several cities have moved beyond survival and are outright flourishing (The NCR is the most obvious example here, working to reunify all of California, and presiding over nearly a million citizens IIRC). The situation is different on the East Coast, but it shouldn't be this different. It's also in the smaller things. Paper and cardboard which should have long since rotted remains. Food which has sat in corrosive cans for two centuries is still entirely edible. There is NO agriculture whatsoever. I know the Fallout universe is based on Science! and not science, but it is still jarring sometimes.

The second, much bigger problem is in the ending. I don't wish to spoil anything, but suffice it to say that the supposed 200 endings are not in existence. Of the three things in the ending you can influence (Which are not nuanced; my character did something for one reason, the ending acted as if he'd done it for entirely another.), two come in literally the last minute of gameplay. There is no slideshow and narration of the consequences of your actions throughout the Wasteland, nothing like that. Hugely disappointing. I enjoyed Fallout 3 greatly until the last half hour or so. I don't expect I will be finishing the game again anytime soon.

Red Alert 3 has improved in my estimation, but not enough to rate it against the second. One problem I did manage to identify was the length of campaign missions. What should have been a mission in its entirity turned into just the first part of something larger; I had the resources and units to deal with it, but I had no desire to. It felt like I had played enough, achieved my objective, and that I deserved my reward in the cutscenes. Then again, if I'm finding the game is only worth playing for the cutscenes, that says something pretty serious.

Gears of War 2 this weekend.

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An update!

Apologies to my zero current readers (Should really start actually... you know, advertising this place!) for that huge delay in updating. See the thing is that Fable II, Fallout 3, and Mirror's Edge demo.

Fable II kind of took a back seat but it proved hugely fun to play and I must invest the time to see it through. Sadly, putting rent up is apparently corrupt, even when you only put it up by 1/4 of what you potentially could raise it by. This makes my character very ugly. But she did fall in love with a whore, marry the whore, and then my co-op buddy got the whore pregnant! Hilarity! Then he murdered her.

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 is sadly disappointing. I can't put my finger on it but it doesn't feel right in gameplay terms. The atmosphere is great, the cutscenes are the hammiest (And therefore best) yet. But something about the gameplay just doesn't click like RA2 did. :( Sad day indeed. But I'll give it more time and see if I can get into it.

As for Fallout 3, well. It's not perfect. There are, for instance, level scaled enemies. Level scaling is largely an evil thing and it completely ruined Oblivion. Fortunately it's used with considerably more nuance here, so it isn't a total disaster, but it's still a minus point. And the D.C. area is ridiculous. There's so much rubble, the whole place just railroads you where it wants you to go - I use fast travel to get across town now, because it's so tedious trying to navigate all the streets and, inevitably, the subway system. The main quest is progressing apace however, and it's engaging and enjoyable.

And finally, Mirror's Edge. I don't really know what to say about it. It made me feel like I was a kid again - back when I was newer to gaming, when I understood it less. When I didn't know the possibilities. I downloaded the demo, played it, and without moving from my chair at all, played it twice more. It is sublime and I love it. There is a huge compulsion to get it right, too - to find the best running line and hit it perfectly. That's going to lead to a lot of replayability, as the devs once predicted.

A quick note on Fable 2

I've been interested in Fable for a long time. I don't mean since the previews of Fable II started or anything. I mean since the game was a fuzzy pre-alpha screenshot and 40 words of text talking about a Project Ego.

So you can imagine that I was into the hype surrounding Fable. The talk of freedom and morality and so forth. And you can imagine that I was disappointed by the final game. Now don't get me wrong, because it was actually a very solid, enjoyable game. It's well made, fun, fast-paced, and all that jazz. I've got few complaints about Fable as a game, just disappointment that it was Fable and not, well, Project Ego.

Fable 2 looks like a different story. We Brits have to wait a couple more days sadly, but what I am hearing so far sounds good. Great, even. Specifically what sounds great is that you can purchase every single property in the entire game world, and then rent them out or whatever, gaining income for doing so. This, in itself, is wonderful. And I just can't help but think about the possibilities of, for instance, purchasing the business and home of someone who was unkind to me as a child, decades later, and turn him out onto the streets. I want to make him a PAUPER.

Or I want to buy an entire town and run it like the archetypical cruel Victorian industrialist. I want to grind them under my heels as I grow fat and gout-ridden on their toil. I want to inspire the writing of Das Kapital. Or to simply buy the entire world and ban everyone from every property, turning the nation into one of bums. (Will they commit crimes out of desperation?)

I don't expect that it will be quite that detailed and freeform. But it'd be quite lovely to get even a few of these things to some degree. And it does sound like Fable 2 comes closer than most to this sort of freedom!

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